Posts by Arianna

Learn A Lesson from LA

Posted by on Feb 22, 2012 in Blog | 0 comments

Learn A Lesson from LA

Wondering where I’ve been? Oh just getting the best education of a lifetime.  How about a few bullet points on what NOT to do in LA, some of these were learned the hard way some were learned before a disaster could occur you can decipher which is which 🙂


But just to put your mind at rest I DID NOT do the first one, I turned that pleasant opportunity down.


What Not to do in LA:

~ Don’t accept to be a designer’s “muse” even if they call you a dutchess and the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen. I promise they’ll just annoy you in the future.

~Don’t believe every “director” is legitimate. Give as little personal contact information as possible and check their sources later. Ask what kind of camera and film they’re using before accepting a part that will look like garbage on screen because of poor quality film.

~ Don’t take sharp turns to the left into a driveway unless you want the headache of someone rear ending you and having to argue in traffic about whose fault it was though clearly YOU were rear ended and therefore NOT to blame.

~ Don’t stress out when you’re in East LA in your own driveway and you’re met with cops as you open your car door, and they ask you to face the house with your hands behind your back because they think you stole your car…it’s East LA it’s practically routine there.

~Don’t waste any time getting into your house when you see a helicopter circling your neighborhood and shining a spotlight in your backyard clearly looking for someone….again, it’s East LA.

~ Don’t live in East LA

~ Don’t be afraid of sushi, it’s the magic food that allows locals survive and models to stay thin.

I literally can’t imagine how anyone’s life here could be boring when you’re passionately pursuing your dreams and taking daily risks? No matter how slowly you “feel” things are moving, by the end of the day you still end up having the wildest most random stories to share. Let’s start from two weeks ago when I moved into my new BEAUTIFUL Spanish villa styled home. Complete with arched windows, doorways, and stone.  It’s the most stunningly lit up house during the day because of the INSANE amount of windows in every room. I also have been blessed to share it with a young married couple (one of whom happens to be my boss at the church and his wife is a successful model and actress) they’re also very talented photographers and have overextended themselves, with their unbelievable generosity in equipping me so I can perfect my art. I’m also fortunate to live with another stunning and talented actress/seamstress who has promised to tailor and remake anything I may need and we already feel like sisters. I couldn’t have dreamt of a more perfect family of friends to live with.

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Move Over & Move In

Posted by on Oct 22, 2011 in Blog | 0 comments

Move Over & Move In

Good Morning Hollywood!

Wow where to begin? How can anyone’s life here in LA be boring when you’re pursuing your dreams? No matter how slowly you “feel” things are moving, by the end of the day, you still end up having the wildest most random stories to share. Let’s start from two weeks ago when I moved into my new BEAUTIFUL Spanish villa styled home. Complete with arched windows, doorways, and stone.  It’s the most stunningly lit up house during the day because of the INSANE amount of windows in every room. I also have been blessed to share it with a young married couple (one of whom happens to be my boss at the church and his wife is a successful model and actress) they’re also very talented photographers and have overextended themselves, with their unbelievable generosity, to get me pictures and material for my reel. I’m also fortunate to live with another actress/seamstress who has promised to tailor and remake anything I may need. I couldn’t have dreamt of a more perfect fit and family of friends to live with.

As far as work is concerned I have been diligently serving at my restaurant and begun connecting with the other actors/actresses that I work with in that environment. There is so much to learn from people who have already been around the industry block a couple times. One also is privileged to see a “celebrity” or two from time to time. Nicki Minaj for instance came into eat and took up our whole back room. We sang happy birthday to her friend she was with and I noted her especially dramatic blue and white hair and then went back to serving her very anxious driver on the patio. Here the paparazzi was quicker than lightning to snap photos of me entering and exiting the only entrance into the restaurant hoping I was Nicki. All my tables were less than interested in hearing my daily specials and were going NO where without seeing her depart. I discussed with her driver who his favorite people were to drive. “Harrison Ford” he replied, “who’s second?”  I asked, “Mel Gibson”, “So the older generation is preferred?” I questioned. “Oh yes, they’re very nice and not so needy” He responded.

It must be because I work in such a normal middle class job that when I serve someone who, in the eyes of the public are special and practically worshipped, I’ve come to realize how very normal and average they really are. Likely it’s because one sees them on the television that we feel they’re almost not even factual when really they’re eating in a normal restaurant, ordering normal food, with other normal people. I sometimes feel I should care more than I do that they’re famous or renound for their skill but generally I just feel like they’re like any other person just with a greater personal revelation of their importance as individuals. I wonder what it would be like if we all realized that revelation? And even when I see cast from Grey’s anatomy come in for a drink at the bar or Stacy London at a runway fashion show, in the end I’m more interested and excited about the 17 year old second youngest pilot in the world that I met from Scotland and his story. I wonder though if it’s humility that made me more fascinated by the 17 year old pilot’s story or if he just seemed humble because he didn’t have the same revelation of his importance and value. It can be a quicker road to understanding one’s value when you have a thousand fans following you and telling you openly but I think it’s a more lasting, deeper revelation when you discover it on your own.

I’ve enjoyed the audition process as overwhelming as it can be. You really have to relearn the meaning of hustle in this place. I literally went to an audtion forty-five minutes away knowing I would likely have to risk being an hour late for work. I then called in and asked someone to cover for me for an extra hour still hoping it wouldn’t be any longer with that…you can’t place any bets on LA traffic. I went into the audition and booked it on the spot (very unusual to book immediately) then I was the last one they were dressing and were struggling to put this outfit together, promising an even later arrival at my next job. However, they managed to let us go early and after celebrating as one must do when they achieve something here, otherwise you just take it too seriously, I was on my merry way and luckily earlier than I expected for work. You learn to be flexible and always available even when you’re not.

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Hello Hollywood!

Posted by on Aug 28, 2011 in Blog | 0 comments

Hello Hollywood!

I have finally arrived to the much-anticipated destination of Sunny California! After a grueling 24 hour drive it’s a relief to be here. As expected the stars and celebrities have all welcomed me in with open arms and they’ve already saved me a star on Hollywood Blvd with great expectations for my success…SO thoughtful


lol Actually, it has a been a busy few days since I arrived. Mostly because nothing has gone totally according to plan, which makes the adventure that much more exciting! My house in lower Beverly Hills isn’t going to be ready to receive me till Oct 1st so I’m staying with some friends in East LA which happens to resemble little Mexico, weirdest city ever. Every night there are at least two, I call them screamers, who shout out ”TAMALES!” and the other is selling, “LA MAIZE!” which if anyone has seen Nacho Libre know that they sell corn with this fascinating butter paprika slathered all over it. They do this at eleven PM! Earplugs are a necessity. I have been overwhelming myself with all the details and resume work it takes to promote oneself before you can go to any casting calls. I expect it’s going to take at least another week or two before I am prepared to jump into the ocean of the film and modeling industry, but I’m excited to begin!


Thus far, LA has been very welcoming which is a relief to a small town girl like myself who’s used to the luxury of having access to close friends at any time. There really is MORE than enough to do around here to distract and keep one busy. I can drive twenty minutes anywhere and get lost in a plethora of activities. Today I’m exploring the Long Beach coast, probably read a passage or two by the water and catch some California rays. I will partner this while watching dogs get pushed in their dog strollers (not even joking I saw it last night) and children being unleashed to play in the water. There are parts of the beach just for dogs who are partially worshipped as gods among animals, which means I need to get one immediately if I want to be a part of this culture.


If all goes well castings and auditions should start soon. I’ll keep you posted!

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Photoshoot Wig

Posted by on Oct 24, 2010 in Photoshoots | 0 comments

Photoshoot Wig

culture pic 2

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Posted by on Oct 24, 2010 in Photoshoots | 0 comments


culture pic

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Headshots Blonde

Posted by on Oct 23, 2010 in Headshots | 0 comments

Headshots Blonde

Ari 2 (2)

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