Posts by Arianna

Fall Baby

Posted by on Oct 26, 2014 in Blog | 1 comment

Fall Baby

“Don’t you love NY in the Fall?” Me too! Too bad I live in the eternal summer side of the country 🙁 Actually, that quote is from one of my Top 10 favorite movies “You’ve Got Mail”.  That movie is right on up there with The Scarlet Pimpernel, Patriot, Emma, Emperor’s New Groove, The 100 Foot Journey, Gladiator, Little Women, LOTR (includes the Hobbit trilogy), Pride & Prejudice, & Star Wars. Wow I don’t know if I’m well rounded or just bi-polar looking at that list.

Well, seeing as it is Fall that means it’s time.  Time for a harvest party of apple cider, pumpkin carving, and pumpkin cookies because it’s MY BIRTHDAY! You’re all invited to write a chant, and “Ode to Arianna”, write me a poem, or buy me something pretty/tastes good lol I kind of love pumpkin ANYTHING so this the season I take advantage of that and force everyone else to love it as well 😉

Also because it’s my birthday I’m convinced it’s a dramatically more magical day than any other day of the year. Therefore I will be releasing a cover song I did with my friend Dom Liberati to all you wonderful people! It’s a magic kind of day so I thought “I’ll give the world something so I can be with them on this special day WHEREVER they are!” Have a listen, in your car, your headphones, your home stereo, work (and if that’s the case I’m sorry the world hasn’t recognized this day as a holiday yet, I’m working on that), in your shower, actually scratch that. Don’t listen to me while you’re in the shower that’s weird. Click the link below for the song! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, THIS IS FOR YOU! 🙂 More:

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Making More Movies!

Posted by on Jun 27, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

Making More Movies!

WELCOME SUMMER!! You couldn’t have come any sooner! I’m gearing up to take my first real holiday vacation in eight months. As usual, I’ll give you the low-down the skinny, the dish if you will on what’s been happening since my last update 🙂Light A Match Productions

Starting in January I embarked on a new venture with about fifteen other movie makers and we started a production company! To follow our films and read our bios you can visit  Basically we set out to write, shoot, and produce a short film every month, taking a couple months off for summer, and releasing them to the public and eventually doing features. We each put at least three positions we would be willing to film if our first choice wasn’t available. I’ve now worked as a 1AD (first assistant Director), Costume/Wardrobe/set design, and I’ve acted in two of our films so far. Our first film “That Cookie Smell” can be found on the website and on my reels take a look! I warn you, it’s cleverly written and you may want to watch it a couple times because it’s easy to miss small clues to the plot. The second time I was cast in a role for a young seemingly innocent southern girl. I won’t give any spoilers but it’s called “Eat the Parents”….I may have spoiled it 😉 If you can believe it my characters these days often start off as the sweet simple type that end up being master manipulative villains, I don’t know how comfortable I am with this lol

So the scoop, well I’ve finished The Modern Man it’s HOPEFULLY out by end of summer early fall but of course I’ll let you all know. It was an incredible shoot. There’s nothing like being on set it’s freezing (for LA that is. Hey it RAINED!) and you’re supposed to strip down to your hot shorts and t-shirt and pretend like you’re perfectly comfortable. It was definitely one of the most complicated roles I’ve had to play in some ways, because my character goes through a huge progression of emotions in a short amount of time. This is always the challenge of any actor is developing a character in often an hour or less of film time with a storyline of a person that should have lived a lifetime worth of experiences.  I was working with and when they approached me about the role and expressed what their purpose as a film company was I eagerly accepted and began diving into my character. The storyline, you’ll hopefully see for yourselves, follows the sacrifices and conquests when we pursue success” at the cost of everything.

  Watching the bar scene from “The Modern Man”

The Modern Man

I was just contemplating yesterday how strange it is that I have regular photoshoots throughout the year and all these pictures of myself. WHO DOES THAT?! I really have a strange job the more I think about it. I have to show pictures of myself to perfect strangers that make me look extremely attractive or “interesting” or “different” because those are good things in the industry LOL

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to never take another picture or film another movie or dress up for another red carpet. I think people get so caught up in those things and find it normal when in reality, NOBODY in the real world tries to make a red carpet event on the weekends. Most of the time we’re trying to get the laundry done that piled up over the past week and maybe get a Costco shopping trip in. It’s not even in our general scope to have dinner with Owen Wilson, or the watch a hockey game with the owner of Paramount Pictures, or enjoy the company of the Blindside cast. But the funny thing is if you didn’t know who they were they would blend completely in with the crowd and you wouldn’t be nervous at all to start up conversations, ask to hang out again, or take goofy selfies together. As it is however, most people outside this city would definitely feel that way. I just want to remind you that your life is JUST as significant whether more people know your name, where your mansion is, or how much you made from your last blockbuster. Privacy is a luxury here and real friends are even scarcer. I was hanging out with a friend of mine who’s one of the lead characters on the show Graceland and we had him over for dinner and he was saying how he knew we were his true friends because we’ve always supported him even before his fame. It was kind of a sad realization because he had received so many calls after he made it to the show to hang out, get together, and saying how they missed him when he hadn’t spoken to any of them in ages before now.

All that to say, thank you to all of YOU who have supported me and loved me for who I am and not my occupation from the beginning. I truly, TRULY have valued all your prayers, letters, and encouragements along the way you’re amazing!

Also I want you guys to be the first to know I am releasing a single in my next post so keep checking in! Thanks for reading xox

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Photo Credit Deborah Fraser Photography

Posted by on Jun 26, 2014 in Photoshoots | 0 comments

Photo Credit Deborah Fraser Photography

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Photo by True Moxie Photography

Posted by on May 6, 2014 in Photoshoots | 0 comments

Photo by True Moxie Photography


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Photo by True Moxie Photography

Posted by on May 6, 2014 in Photoshoots | 0 comments

Photo by True Moxie Photography



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“Eat the Parents” Production Still by Elias Carlson

Posted by on May 6, 2014 in Photoshoots | 0 comments

“Eat the Parents” Production Still by Elias Carlson


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